7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research

35 Saturday, 28 September 2019 | SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME SA-03 STATE-OF-THE-ART-LECTURES 10:30–12:00 Plenary Prediction and diagnosis Chair: C. Pantelis, Melbourne, Australia SA-03-001 Identifying and diagnosing individuals at risk of psychosis F. Schultze-Lutter, Düsseldorf, Germany SA-03-002 Is early recognition in depressive disorders pos- sible? E. Meisenzahl, Düsseldorf, Germany S-24 SYMPOSIA 10:30–12:00 Harvard The frontline of research on negative symptoms Chairs: A. Mucci, Naples, Italy S. Dollfus, Caen, France S-24-001 Motivational deficits and functional outcome: The ENSANES study A. Mucci, Naples, Italy G. M. Giordano, I. Bitter, S. F. Austin, C. Delouche, S. Dollfus, A. Erfurth, W. W. Fleischhacker, I. Gladyshev, B. Glenthøj, K. Gütter, A. Hofer, J. Hubenàk, S. Kaiser, J. Libiger, I. Melle, M. Ø. Nielsen, O. Papsuev, J. K. Ry- bakowski, G. Sachs, A. Üçok, P. Wojciak, S. Galderisi S-24-002 Self-assessment of negative symptoms: Is there an advantage? S. Dollfus, Caen, France S-24-003 Using neurostimulation to target brain circuit perturbations: Implications for negative symp- tom treatment protocols A. Aleman, Groningen, The Netherlands S-24-004 Metacognitive capacity and negative symptoms in First Episode Psychosis: Evidence of a prospec- tive relationship over a three-year follow-up S. F. Austin, Hillerød, Denmark P. Lysaker, J. E. Jansen, A. M. Trauelsen, H. G. Lyse Nielsen, M. Buch Pedersen, U. H. Haahr, E. Simonsen

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