7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research

36 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME | Saturday, 28 September 2019 S-25 SYMPOSIA 10:30–12:00 Stanford Neuroinflammation in severe mental dis- orders – from diagnosis to therapy Chairs: K. Bechter, Guenzburg, Germany M. Benros, Hellerup, Denmark S-25-001 Epidemiology and meta-analysis of CSF studies and anti-inflammatory treatments suggest relevant neuroinflammation in severe mental disorders M. Benros, Hellerup, Denmark S-25-002 Autoimmune encephalitis in psychiatry: Results of a systematic literature review and the GEN- ERATE data base D. Endres, Freiburg, Germany S-25-003 Deconstructing schizophrenia – by general and single case perspective L. Tebartz van Elst, Freiburg, Germany S-25-004 The concept mild encephalitis hypothesis – actual results and beyond K. Bechter, Guenzburg, Germany S-26 SYMPOSIA 10:30–12:00 Princeton Translational electrophysiology in schizo- phrenia: Predictors and models can lead to subject-specific mechanisms Chairs: R. Adams, London, United Kingdom P. Uhlhaas, Glasgow, United Kingdom S-26-001 Using magnetoencephalography to identify circuit mechanisms across illness-stages in schizophrenia P. Uhlhaas, Glasgow, United Kingdom S-26-002 Oscillatory, computational and behavioural evidence for impaired GABAergic inhibition in schizophrenia A. Shaw, Cardiff, United Kingdom L. Knight, T. Freeman, G. Williams, R. Moran, K. Friston, J. Walters, K. Singh S-26-003 The neural dynamics of belief formation across the psychosis continuum I. Dzafic, Brisbane, Australia S-26-004 Using M/EEG and modelling to probe hippo- campal-prefrontal dysconnectivity and other key illness mechanisms in schizophrenia R. Adams, London, United Kingdom D. Bush, F. Zheng, S. Meyer, R. Kaplan, S. Orfanos, T. Reis Marques, O. Howes, N. Burgess

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