7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research

39 Saturday, 28 September 2019 | SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME P-11 POSTER SESSIONS 13:30–14:30 Foyer, Ground Floor Drug and alternative treatment Chair: G. Gründer, Mannheim, Germany P-11-001 Antipsychotic treatment at a newly established early psychosis inpatient unit M. Koch, Vienna, Austria M. Trimmel, J. Baumgartner, B. Hinterbuchinger, Z. Litvan, N. Mossaheb, F. Friedrich P-11-002 Use of long acting injectable in a brief hospi- talization unit: Incidence in the stay of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia (three years follow-up) J. M. Pascual Paño, Jerez De La Frontera (Cádiz), Spain J. M. Mongil Sanjuan, J. M. Villagrán Moreno P-11-003 Use of clozapine and long acting injectables antipsychotics, alone and in combination, in 3 years period in an adult psychiatric unit J. M. Pascual Paño, Jerez De La Frontera (Cádiz), Spain J. M. Mongil Sanjuan, J. M. Villagrán Moreno, C. Ro- driguez Gomez P-11-006 Persistent hyperprolactinemia in a chronic schizophrenic patient with partial empty sella, after amisulpride initiation P. Angos, Thessaloniki, Greece G. Thomaidis, K. Papadimitriou, A. Simitsi, M. Yavro- poulou, A. Vlachaki, A. Kyrannas P-11-007 Improvement of antipsychotic-induced hyper- prolactinemia with the addition of aripiprazole M. Aydin, Konya, Turkey U. Egilmez, K. Altinbas P-11-008 Risperidone induced hypertriglyceridemia: A case report P. Sharma, Allston, USA P-11-009 More than just antipsychotic: Clinical, social, and economic effectiveness of Paliperidone Palmitate in recent-onset schizophrenia N. Semenova, Moscow, Russia E. Lyubov P-11-010 A mechanobiologically grounded treatment of traumatic brain injury-induced acute psycho- sis, applying innovative osmotherapy and ris- peridone. Case report, recovery, follow-up and physical model P. Angos, Thessaloniki, Greece G. Thomaidis, K. Megari, K. C. Krasanaki, A. Simitsi, A. Konstantinidis, S. Michos, T. Siozos, E. Aifantis, A. Vlachaki

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