7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research

40 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME | Saturday, 28 September 2019 P-12 POSTER SESSIONS 13:30–14:30 Event Area, Ground Floor Outcome and stigma II Chair: M. Fukuda, Maebashi, Gunma, Japan P-12-001 Does insight in schizophrenia change its out- come? S. Neves Vieira Martins, Guilhufe, Portugal P. Macedo P-12-002 Independent living skills and cognition in av- erage-onset and late-onset schizophrenia pa- tients: Pilot-study E. Abdullina, Moscow, Russia M. Savina, G. Rupchev, M. Morozova, V. Pochueva, V. Sheshenin, Y. Panikratova P-12-003 Association between clinical indices and risk of suicidal ideation, attempts, and completed suicide in psychotic disorders: A registry linked study S. Gohar, Cairo, Egypt I. Melle P-12-004 Treatment characteristics (case managed vs standard; oral vs. long-acting injectable med- ication) related with suicide prevention among people with severe schizophrenia J. J. Fernandez-Miranda, Gijon, Spain S. Diaz-Fernandez, D. F. Frias-Ortiz P-12-005 Case managed community program vs. standard treatment for people with severe schizophrenia: Treatment adherence and suicide attempts S. Diaz-Fernandez, Gijon, Spain J. J. Fernandez-Miranda, D. F. Frias-Ortiz P-12-006 Structural analysis of recovery in community- dwelling clients with schizophrenia using struc- tural equation modeling A. Watanabe, Sagamihara, Japan T. Kawaguchi, M. Sakimoto, Y. Oikawa, K. Furuya, T. Matsuoka P-12-007 Difficulties in daily life of community-dwelling clients with schizophrenia: Cluster analysis based on functioning and the recovery process T. Kawaguchi, Sagamihara, Japan A. Watanabe, M. Sakimoto, Y. Oikawa, K. Furuya, T. Matsuoka P-12-008 The narratives of self-recognition in schizo- phrenia: Time to precise identity processes in recovery? M. Koenig, Saint-Denis Cedex, France M.-C. Castillo P-12-009 Distribution of psychiatric disorders causing non-graduation among Japanese national un- dergraduate university students: Has clinical manifestation of schizophrenia become less severe? Y. Fuse-Nagase, Mito, Ibaraki, Japan K. Yasumi, N. Hirai, T. Marutani, K. Kajitani, I. Namura

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