Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine
Thursday, 5 February 2015
l Scientific Program
Congress Opening
Auditorium 15
Chairs: Jens Sønksen, Denmark
Mikkel Fode, Denmark
Podium Session
Auditorium 10/11
Penile disorders and penile surgery
Chairs: Carlo Bettocchi, Italy
Fulvio Colombo, Italy
011 Safety and effectiveness of collagenase clostri-
dium histolyticum (CCH) treatment in EU pati-
ents with Peyronie‘s disease: A comparison of
EU enrolled subjects versus all subjects enrolled
in a phase 3 open-label study
David Ralph, United Kingdom
L. A. Levine, M. K. Gelbard, H. Olivecrona,
G. Liu, J. P. Tursi, B. Cuzin, H. Porst, I. Mon-
cada, V. Mirone
012 Meaningful change in Peyronie‘s disease follo-
wing treatment with collagenase clostridium his-
tolyticum: Results from two large double-blind,
randomized, placebo-controlled phase 3 studies
Cully C. Carson, USA
M. Gittleman, R. B. W. Tan, H. Olivecrona,
J. P. Tursi, T. M. Smith, G. J. Kaufman,
N. A. Jones, W. J. G. Hellstrom
001 Idiopathic partial thrombosis is associated with
cycling and the presence of a fibrous web on MRI
Emmanuel Weyne, Belgium
C. Schillebeeckx, C. Jamaer, P. D´Hulst,
G. Bozzini, R. Grünert, P. Hoebeke, S. Joniau,
M. Albersen
002 Delay of surgical treatment of penile fracture
results in poor functional outcome: Results from
a large retrospective multicenter European study
Giorgio Bozzini, Italy
M. Albersen, J. Romero Otero, M. Mergreiter,
E. Garcia Cruz, A. Mueller, C. Gratzke, E.C. Se
refoglu, J. I. Martinez Salamanca, P. Verze
003 Surgical outcomes and patients: Satisfaction
with suprapubic phalloplasty
Jean-Etienne Terrier, France
F. Courtois, A. Ruffion, N. Morel journel
004 Metaidoioplasty: Alternative for sex reassign-
ment surgery in female-to-male transsexuals.
Evaluation of patients‘ satisfaction by a new
Corinne Palamara, France
N. Morel Journel, A. Ruffion
005 Superficial excision of glans epithelium for
penile cancer and covering with TachoSil
Ralf Herwig, Austria
S. Sansalone
013 Sexual function after surgical treatment for
penile cancer: Which organ sparing approach
gives the best results?
Omid Sedigh, Italy
M. Falcone, C. Ceruti, M. Timpano, M. Falco-
ne, F. Kuehhas, M. Preto, M. Sibona, B. Frea,
L. Rolle
006 Personal experience using STAGE technique for
congenital penile curvature
Luca Mavilla, Italy
R. U. Roman Urological Association
007 How to improve extracorporeal shock wave the-
rapy in the management of patients with Peyro-
nie‘s disease? Results from a randomized trial
comparing plaque injection either with a saline
solution or with a hydrocortisone solution
Maxime Sempels, Belgium
R. Andrianne, D. Waltregny, L. Coppens
008 Does early insertion of a malleable prosthesis
still allow later upsizing of cylinders in patients
with ischemic priapism?
Evangelos Zacharakis, United Kingdom
F. Deluca, A. Raheem, G. Garaffa, A. Muneer,
D. Ralph
009 Implant of an intracorporal phantom in order to
prevent penile shortening after penile prosthesis
removal due to prosthetic device infection or
distal urethral erosion
Nicolas Morel-Journel, France
J. E. Terrier, A. Simonato, A. Ruffion,
M. Ennas
010 Penile lengthening and widening without graft
according to a modified sliding technique
Franklin Kuehhas, Austria
P. Egydio
W Auditorium 12
Premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation and an-
Expert: Marcel D. Waldinger, The Netherlands
Ege Can Serefoglu, Turkey
Limited seats, pre-registration necessary/
Full description see page 41