Have you read ? Best of the Best: Clinical
drugs (e.g. phenylephrine). Surgical treatment is
recommended for failed conservative manage-
ment, although the best procedure is unclear.
Immediate implantation of a prosthesis should
be considered for long-lasting priapism. Arterial
priapism is not an emergency. Selective em-
bolization is the suggested treatment modality
and has high success rates. Stuttering priapism
is poorly understood and the main therapeutic
goal is the prevention of future episodes. This
may be achieved pharmacologically, but data
on efficacy are limited.These guidelines sum-
marise current information on priapism. The
extended version are available on the European
Association of Urology Website
org/guidelines/). Priapism is a persistent, often
painful, penile erection lasting more than 4h un-
related to sexual stimulation. It is more common
in patients with sickle cell disease. This article
represents the shortened EAU priapism guide-
lines, based on a systematic literature review.
Cases of priapism are classified into ischae-
mic (low flow), arterial (high flow), or stuttering
(recurrent). Treatment for ischaemic priapism
must be prompt in order to avoid the risk of
permanent erectile dysfunction. This is not the
case for arterial priapism.
European Society for Sexual Medicine
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