ISMRC 2023 Final Programme

29 Genesis Cell Isolation System and Celselect Slides ™ Add new depth to to your cell studies. Visit us at booth 21 to learn more and experience a Genesis System virtual reality demo. Wednesday, 3 May 2023 – Poster Sessions PS-04-015 D-Dimers as a liquid prognostic bio- marker in melanoma patients treated with immune-checkpoint inhibitors Tim Zell, Germany PS-04-016 Exosomal NGFR witnesses the dynam- ics of inflammation-induced dedifferen- tiation in TNF- α -treated melanoma cells Benjamin Deitert, Germany PS-04-017 Circulatory plasma proteomic biomark- ers predict response to immunotherapy in melanoma patients and reveal bio- logical insights into the tumor micro- environment Marijana Rucevic, France PS-04-018 Diagnosis of precancerous high-grade cervical lesions and cervical cancer with a panel of circulating cell-free microR- NAs in a liquid biopsy approach Annika Tamenang, Germany

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