GenerAl InFormATIon
PosTer exHIbITIon
The poster exhibition of the 6
World Congress on ADHD
is located in east exhibit Hall A close to the technical
exhibition. Posters are allocated to 21 guided poster tours
(P-01 to P-21). They will be sorted by topics and will be
numbered within those topics. The poster exhibition is
open to all participants according to the opening time of
the technical exhibition:
Guided poster tours will take place:
Friday, 21 April 2017
14:30 – 16:00
guided posters tours
will be chaired by renowned spe-
cialists. Interested participants can meet the poster authors
for discussion during the time of the poster tour.
set up times for posters
Thursday, 20 April 2017
15:00 – 19:00
Friday, 21 April 2017
09:00 – 12:00
saturday, 22 April 2017
18:00 – 19:00
Posters which have not been removed within the indicated
time schedule will be removed.
The poster size is 120 cm
high and 90 cm wide
(portrait format).
scientists have been encouraged to hand in their abstracts
and to apply for the following award:
Young scientists' Awards
Young scientists are aim at encouraging young scientists to
attend this interdisciplinary congress in the field of ADHD.
The sessions will be composed of 20 minutes lectures. The
eight young scientists’ abstracts have been chosen by the
scientific committee out of 200 applications for two session’s
à four presenters on Thursday, 20 April 2017. The sessions
will be chaired by recognized experts in the featured topic.
speakers are requested to show via copy of their ID that
they are younger than 40 years of age. The winners will
receive a young scientist award of eUr 300 each.
Poster Awards
All posters will be evaluated on site and the best of each
poster tour will be indicated by a banner after the tour.
on saturday, 22 April 2017, the best six posters will be se-
lected out of all poster tours by the Poster Prize Committee.
The selected posters will be awarded with a poster prize of
eUr 500 each.
The award ceremony will take place on the last congress
day. members of the poster prize committee are:
Chair: o. Tucha, The netherlands
s. Dalsgaard, Denmark/l. Hechtman, Canada/ G. Polanczyk,
brazil / m. romanos, Germany / Y. Zheng, China
Travel Grants of the World Federation of ADHD
The Congress offers Travel Grants of eUr 1.000 for students
and clinical scientists of 35 years of age and below to
present their oral or poster abstract.
Travel grants are awarded on the basis of an evaluation
process by the scientific Committee. Awardees have been
notified about the travel grant once their abstract has been
accepted for presentation by mid-February 2017. The pre-
senting author needs to present a valid ID card or passport
(for identification and age verification) at the travel grant
counter in Vancouver, located in the registration area of
the venue.
The travel grants are gratefully supported by the Verein
zur Durchführung neurowissenschaftlicher Tagungen e.V,
sPeAkers CenTre
The speaker‘s centre is located 1
floor at the east meeting
room 6. speakers are asked to hand in their CD rom or
Usb stick, containing the PowerPoint presentation (Ibm
format or compatible, no multisession) preferably one day
before their presentation but at the latest 90 minutes prior
to the presentation. The presentation will be transferred
to the central congress server and will be available after-
wards on a special congress notebook in the hall of the
presentation. Due to time and technical reasons we kindly
ask the speakers not to use their own notebook. several
PC working stations are provided in the speakers’ centre
where speakers can also work on their charts in a quiet
area. Technical staff will be glad to assist.
operated by estensis GmbH –
the Conference Company
opening Hours
Thursday, 20 April 2017
Friday, 21 April 2017
saturday, 22 April 2017
sunday, 23 April 2017
The speakers centre
is kindly supported
by nls Pharma AG.