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© from private ownership

© Hans Starosta



Artists as victims and survivors of

National Socialism

The life and work of artists with mental illness represent

a special challenge and opportunity in the discussion of

the Nazi and post-war periods: through their art, we en-

counter people with an evocative destiny. The pictures

move us by creating a personal and active dialogue.

The exhibition focusses on two artists, the architect and

painter Paul Goesch, born in 1885, and the locksmith

Julius Klingebiel (1904 – 1965). Their paintings stand

for the numerous patients who became victims of Nazi

psychiatry. Paul Goesch created important expressionist

paintings while still in a mental asylum. He was killed

in Brandenburg in 1940. Julius Klingebiel was forcibly

sterilised, avoided the killing campaigns and survived

the war. In the post-war period he created a solitary art

environment (“Raumkunstwerk”) in his cell which will be

shown at the congress.


Artists as victims and survivors of NS psychiatry

Sunday to Thursday


Hall B

Accompanying symposium:

Artists as victims and survivors of National

Socialism – commemoration in Germany and the

challenges today

Tue, 10 Oct 2017


11:45– 13:15


Hall London 1


Outbreak in the art – Julius Klingebiel's Cell

Thu, 12 Oct 2017


11:45– 13:15


Hall London 1

Registered, persecuted, annihilated:

guided exhibition tours

German-language and English-language tours

are offered on 9 October I 15:00 and 17:00

and on 11 October I 13:30.

Please meet your guide 10 minutes earlier in

Hall B where the exhibition is located.