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WFSBP 2017


Dear Colleagues,

It is both an honor and a privilege to welcome all of you to the 13


World Congress of Biolog-

ical Psychiatry in Copenhagen, 18–22 June 2017, which will be an excellent setting to discuss

the current progress in molecular biology, the development of novel drugs based upon new

concepts, and the advances in modern neuroscience that will change our approach to psychi-

atric disorders and our attitudes towards mental health care. It is the time for biological psychi-

atry to be developed into the new stage where biopsycho-socio-spiritual aspects are integrated

for the betterment of patients and families with mental and psychiatric disorders. The field of

biological psychiatry is expanding by the development of bioinformatics (genomics, transcrip-

tomics, proteomics) identifying importance of glycome, lipidome, metabolome, and brain ac-

tivity mapping methodology.

Looking back at a few examples of previous world congress of biological psychiatry in Paris

(2009), Prague (2011), Kyoto (2013), and Athens (2015), it is remarkable to have witnessed

significant contribution of biological psychiatry research into the diagnosis, treatment, care,

and even prevention of psychiatric and mental disorders.

The field of biological psychiatry is rapidly developing, reaching a new stage of clinical appli-

cation. Genetic engineering, iPS cells, brain mapping, and other new technologies have been

integrated into the translational research in the field. Modified electroconvulsive therapy

(mECT), repetitive trans-cranial stimulation (rTMS), near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), and de-

coded neurofeedback (DecNef) are examples of recent application in biological psychiatry.

Considering the impact of most CNS disorders, biological psychiatry is expected to fill in the

unmet need for CNS drugs including new generation antipsychotics, anti-depressants, anti-

epileptics, anxiolytics, and sleep inducers, and others. Biological psychiatry is the field where

academia and industry should proceed together aiming for the developing of new methods of

diagnosis and treatment of CNS disorders.

We are confident that the 13


World Congress of Biological Psychiatry in Copenhagen will be

a superb setting for presentation and discussion of recent findings in biological psychiatry. To

this end, 5 Lectures, 3 Debates, 12 Task Force Symposia /Workshops and 83 independent Sym-

posia /Workshops are forming the core scientific programme; all of them on very interesting

topics to be presented by prominent researchers-scientists in their respective fields.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Copenhagen and interacting with you both socially

and professionally.

With our best wishes

Prof. Masatoshi Takeda

Congress President

Prof. Constantin R. Soldatos

Chair of the International

Scientific Programme


Prof. Gregers Wegener

Chair of the Local

Organising Committee

Welcome to the 13


World Congress of Biological Psychiatry

Masatoshi Takeda

Constantin R. Soldatos

Gregers Wegener