Scientific programme
Friday, 21 April 2017
P-07-007 Understanding the heterogeneity
and comorbidity of Attention-Deficit/
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and
autism spectrum disorders (ASD) using
emotion recognition subtyping
F. Waddington, The Netherlands
C. Hartman, Y. de Bruijn, M. Lappenschaar,
A. Sluiter-Oerlemans, J. Buitelaar, B. Franke,
N. Rommelse
P-07-008 ADHD and impact on type 1 diabetes
E. Midtlyng, Norway
T. Skrivarhaug, T. Naerland
P-07-009 Substances use and functional impair-
ment among college students with
ADHD in Quebec
J. Lagacé Leblanc, Canada
L. Massé, C. Plourde
Guided Poster Tour
Exhibit Hall A
Autism spectrum disorders
N. Rommelse, The Netherlands
P-08-001 The ability of theory of mind in adults
with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
G. Arai, Japan
T. Morita, M. Ota, D. Ikuse, T. Tokumasu,
N. Saga, T. Morii, W. Hayashi, H. Ota, A.
P-08-002 Working memory in Attention-Deficit/
Hyperactivity Disorder and autism spec-
trum disorder
M. Horovitz, USA
R. Penna, A. Moscrip, B. Kriley, S.
Ejankowski, Y. Tavárez, E. Balic, M. Howell,
Y. Torres, M. Hoeschele, S. Willbanks
P-08-003 Gaze movements for social attention
dissociating children with Attention-
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and
autism spectrum disorder in a visual
exploration task
C. Ioannou, Germany
D. Seernani, H. Hill, G. Boccignone, T.
Foulsham, N. Dundon, N. Cilia, C. Saville,
S. Bender, C. Fleischhaker, M. Biscaldi, U.
Ebner-Priemer, C. Klein
P-08-004 Are there significant associations be-
tween the severity of ADHD symptoms
and that of autistic trait in children and
adolescents with ADHD?
R. A. Fløtum Jespersen, Faroe Islands
Ás. D. á Neystabø, A. Kier, J. R. Møllegaard
Jepsen, T. Stórá
P-08-005 Dissociation of Attention-Deficit/Hyper
activity Disorder and autism evidence
from intra-subject variability in gaze
D. P. Seernani, Germany
C. Ioannou, H. Hill, G. Boccignone, T.
Foulsham, N. Dundon, N. Cilia, C. Saville,
S. Bender, C. Fleischhaker, M. Biscaldi, U.
Ebner-Priemer, C. Klein
P-08-006 Discriminating power of the social
responsiveness scale in autism spec-
trum disorder and Attention-Deficit/
Hyperactivity Disorder
E. Acquaviva, France
A. Boele, H. Peyre, R. Delorme, E. Acquaviva
P-08-007 Clinical correlates of ADHD and autism
spectrum disorder
J. Bhagia, USA
B. Koplin, L. Halldner Henriksson
P-08-008 Facets of intra-subject variability in
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
and autism spectrum disorder
C. Klein, Germany
G. Salunkhe, B. Feige, C. W. Nicholas Saville,
N. M. Dundon, S. Bender, A. Berger, C.
Fleischhaker, M. Biscaldi