Scientific programme
Friday, 21 April 2017
Guided Poster Tour
Exhibit Hall A
A. Warnke, Germany
P-09-002 Associations between P3 responses and
continuous performance test in children
with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
S.-J. Hung, Taiwan
M.-H. Hsieh, C. Gawrilow, S. S.-Fen Gau
P-09-003 Periodic limb movements onset latency
and ferritin levels in children with ADHD
E. Konofal, France
D. Janka, M. Lecendreux, C. Delclaux
P-09-004 Resting-state EEG correlates of ecological
executive function in adults with ADHD
H. Li, People‘s Republic of China
C.-M. Wang, Q.-H. Zhao, F. Huang, Q.-J.
Qian, Y.-F. Wang, L. Sun
P-09-005 Evoked ERP P300 and theta/beta ratio
analysis between predominantly inat-
tentive and combined ADHD
F. Mulas Delgado, Spain
P. Roca Rodriguez, P. Ortiz Sanchez, R.
Gandia Beneto
P-09-006 Intra-subject variability of behavioural
and electro-cortical measures of perfor-
mance in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
G. Salunkhe, Germany
B. Feige, C. Saville, N. Dundon, B. Albrecht,
S. Bender, A. Berger, C. Fleischhaker, M.
Biscaldi, C. Klein
P-09-007 A causal link between attentional selec-
tion and reading ability in Attention-
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
L. Sun, People‘s Republic of China
E. Wang, X. Luo, M. Sun, Y. Tao, H. Li, Q.
Qian, Z. Wu, Y. Song, Y. Wang
P-09-008 Reduced N1 and P3 amplitudes in the
attentional network task are related
with attentional impairment in non-
medicated adult ADHD patients
M. Garcia Valdecasas Colell, Spain
A. Galvao Carmona, M. C-J Stehle, E.
Ahlers, M. Vazquez Marrufo, A. H. Neuhaus
Guided Poster Tour
Exhibit Hall A
Pathophysiology adult
A. Fallgatter, Germany
P-10-002 Assessing attentional functions in adults
with ADHD
N. Saga, Japan
T. Tokumasu, T. Morita, D. Ikuse, G. Arai, T.
Morii, M. Ohta, Y. Ohmori, Y. Sawanobori,
A. Sato, Y. Okajima, A. Iwanami
P-10-003 Poor quality of decision-making in adults
with ADHD is linked to delay aversion
and longer deliberation time
L. Sorensen, Norway
E. Sonuga-Barke, E. B. Brevik, D. Jensen, J.
Haavik, A. J. Lundervold
P-10-005 To age or not to age: Neuropsychological
deficits in adults age 60 and above with
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Y. Holst, Sweden
D. Sjöwall, H. Christiansen, S. Kooij, D.
Bijlenga, L. Thorell
P-10-006 Suboptimal or risky decision-making in
ADHD? A meta-regression analysis
T. Dekkers, The Netherlands
J. Agelink van Rentergem, H. Huizenga, R.
Shoham, A. Popma, Y. Pollak
P-10-007 Neuropsychological computerised
screening of Brazilian children with
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
T. I. Riechi, Brazil
H. Hamdam, T. I. Riechi
Visual attention in adult Attention-
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
A.-M. Agerbo Low, Denmark
J. le Sommer, B. Fagerlund, B. Glenthoj,
J. R. Mollegaard-Jensen, S. Vangkilde,
T. Habekost