Scientific programme
Saturday, 30 May 2015
P-20-008 Reflection on the clinical profile of late
onset and undiagnosed adult ADHD
D. Roy, United Kingdom
P-20-009 A heuristic perspective on the clinical ap-
plication of a systems stability paradigm
to the differential diagnosis of ADHD and
bipolar disorder
I. Szpindel, Canada
P-20-010 Similarity of subjective symptoms in per-
sons with ADHD and Asperger‘s disorder
T. Tokumasu, Japan
T. Motira, S. Nobuyuki, D. Ikuse, G. Arai,
Y. Okajima, A. Iwanami
P-20-011 High-dimensional pattern classification
in never-treated adults with Attention-
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder using mor-
phometric and DTI data
T. Avancini, Brazil
M. A. Silva, J. Doshi, M. Zanetti, M. Serpa,
M. Louzã, C. Davatzikos, G. Busatto
P-20-012 Evidence for adult Attention-Deficit/Hyper
activity Disorder (aADHD) as a neuro
psychological and not a cognitive disorder
W. Human, South Africa
A. Burke
Guided Poster Tour
Hall 2 – Poster Area
Co-morbidity disorders – children and adolescents II
E. Taylor, United Kingdom
P-21-001 Comorbidity and correlates of disrup-
tive mood dysregulation disorder in 6 to
8 year-old children with ADHD
E. Schilpzand, Australia
P. Hazell, J. Nicholson, V. Anderson, D. Efron,
T. Silk, E. Sciberras, M. Mulraney
P-21-002 How does comorbidity affect neuropsy
chological test performance in youth with
ADHD: Single-centre, cross-sectional study
I. Sanli, Turkey
E. Tufan, S. Taskiran, B. Semerci, M. A. Cansiz,
U. Savci, N. Demir, Z. Topal
P-21-004 Predictors of reading speed among a
sample of Turkish patients with ADHD
and dyslexia: A preliminary study
Z. Topal, Turkey
E. Tufan, N. Demir, M. A. Cansiz, U. Savci,
S. Taskiran, E. Demirbas Cakir, H. Harmanci,
B. Semerci
P-21-005 Longitudinal effect of Attention-Deficit/
Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms on de-
pression and aggression
M. Tsujii, Japan
H. Ito
P-21-006 Relationship between academic achieve-
ment and developmental disabilities
among Japanese elementary and junior
high school children
A. Uemiya, Japan
H. Ito, Y. Murayama, M. Katagiri, M. Hamada,
M. Tujii
P-21-008 About variability of comorbidity in ADHD:
New findings of comorbidity in a clinically
referred sample of children and adoles-
cents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disorder in Switzerland
A. M. Werling, Switzerland
S. Walitza
P-21-009 Comorbidity and persistent Attention-
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms
from childhood to adolescence in Brazilian
sample: A four-year follow-up study
S. M. Palma, Brazil
A. C. Motta Palma Natale, H. M. Calil